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Teaching Practices? More Like, Actually Teaching (in a Good Way)

At Yupparaj the teaching practice was enjoyable, even though when there’s no mentor teacher there, the students tend not to pay attention to the lessons. My lesson usually began on asking how are they going so far, identifying signs of boredom etc. And then engange them in a question. Thus, that question will be the foothold of that lesson.

To answer that question, i’ll give them the material of the lesson, mainly via powerpoint and videos. This is the most effective way for me to explained in a short time. I keep my Powerpoint short and give more images than words. After they are already been explained, and they already understands, we are working on the problem via worksheet. And after that, the lessons is done. Take note that while explaining we let the students asks questions and asks the students questions, that way the discussion of the topic is running smoothly.

For time management, i always keep my eyes on the watch, but be flexible. And i make sure that every students know what they’re doing. The problems with the students, is a classic one, lack of enthusiasm, confusion etc. To solve it, i try to engage with them and ask them if they’ve any problems. Then encourage the students who is understand the lesson to explain it in Thai.

So far, the teaching practice is really good and i really enjoyed my time with the students. Too, i try to be on good terms with the students, so they’ll be willing to listen when they have to. It’s a give and take condition.

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